Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Holy Bible

NO BOOK CAN SUBSTITUTE THE WORD OF GOD!!!. This book tells the story of God and his chosen people he pick to follow under him and his rules. This book is the christian holy book so christians can learn more about there religion.

The cross

The cross os the holy sigh for the christian religion and the holy sigh of god. It resembles the father son and holy spirit which is known as God.


Noah is another prophet chosen by God. He saw a flood coming and he build a ark to save the animals and people on his ark. Some people believe he was crazy and didn't went on the ark as for not believing god drowned them under the flood and it spent for 40 days and 40 nights.


Isaiah was chosen by God to be a prophet. His book tell about somebody called the suffering servant or Jesus. His book spoked about jesus before he was born.


Abraham is a man who follows Gods orders and the was told by god to sacrifice his son Issac, but before he sacrifice Issac an angel grab his hand and pointed at a lamb. Abraham sacrifice the lamb to god much like Jesus when he was sacrifice because he is the lamb of God.


Moses Was a man who stutter a lot and was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of egypt and save them from slavery and from spiritual amnesia. Moses was a man who followed God's orders and was given special powers to do what he was supposed to do which was to lead the Israelites to the promise land. They lasted 40 years in the desert for dishonoring God.


Jesus of Nazareth who is considered God to all christians is the son of God and fulfill his prophecy of washing all of our sins though him as said in the book of the prophet Isaiah. Christians believe Jesus is God because he was the only person to fulfill the covenant and rise up from death.